Well. . . the answer is yes and no. We created and released both Shimmerz Paints and what was then "Shimmering Spritz" back in 1999. They were distributed by Personal Stamp Exchange and through sales reps. That was long before blogs and design teams.

Just like any new business we made mistakes and learned from them. Shimmerz and Spritz did really well for quite a while, but then we stopped manufacturing and aggressively selling for a few years. We were still there just not really noticeable.
So in June of 2008 we decided to try again. We got a blog, website and a design team and started manufacturing Shimmerz. Then Blingz, then we reintroduced Spritz, followed by Pearlz and Vibez.
So even though you didn't know us. . . we've been around for a L-O-N-G time. Just look at those labels. EeeeK!!! Thankfully we have a new look, but the product and quality are all still the same.
So spread the word. . . we really aren't the new kids on the block.