Boy I tell you there is nothing worse than being without your trusty computer. Ok... maybe there is!!! I was able to get through it all with the help of my friend Myia and for most of the two weeks my cell phone. It did give me a chance to work on some projects. That I will share with you ladies in a few more days.
For now I have a few projects to share from the Jan/Feb issue of Scrap n Art Magazine.
But before we get into that let's talk about my baby girl Bailey. SHE IS TURNING TWO. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around that. She is totally entering her terrible two stage. She rolls her eyes, kisses her teeth (all of which she has inherited from her older sister, of course), stomps her feet, and cries when she doesn't get her way. And not to mention this look...
Exhibit *A*

So question?? Are you a bad mother if you forget your baby's birthday is a week away but remember to reserve your space for a crop? LOL!!!
If the weather permits we will take the children to the aquarium for a fun afternoon and come home for hamburgers and fries (with a little ice cream and cake)
Now onto some scrappy scrappy-ness!!!
This was created for the Scrap n Art Magazine Jan/Feb issue featuring
Stamp Zia.

This was created using the color palette from
the color room
This last one is of my niece Makenzie created For
Shimmerz Paints and Petaloo.