I have finally finished all of my DT projects for Scrap n Art Magazine, Kreatorville Kraft Kit Club, and even had time to squeeze in three just for me layouts. You know the ones you do just for your own creative pleasure. I really enjoyed the results of all my projects this time around. I wish I could share them all with you but you'd have to get yourself a Scrap n Art subscription to see most of it. Or wait until the 21st of for the Kit Club reveal.
It has been a year and a half since I've seen my family and I am super excited to be going to California for 8 days. We won't take Jeremiah and Madison with us. They will stay with family here in Texas. But we aren't completely free of children. Bailey will be with us. Which is pretty cool since our California family has never seen her. I am so ready to touch down and see the fam and take lots of pictures.
While I can't share all of my creations with you guys yet. You know I couldn't just leave you ladies without anything for 8 days. I hope you ladies find some inspiration in the work below. Stay tuned, visit back often. I will have some exciting RAWKS coming up soon and not to mention the Kreatorville Kraft Kit Club complete reveal. I am super excited. Oh by the way. The titles on the "It's Ok Bailey" and the "Total Bliss Layouts are by Aptly Titled. They can be found and purchased here (http://www.etsy.com/shop/kiwithekreator). And they ship for free in your Kreatorville Kraft Kit, so be sure to get one.
Last but not least I have been given a blog award by my lovely sister Keandra. Now, if I don't do this right don't get mad. I don't do well with these awards. So here goes...
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your hair? long
3. Your mother? unknown
4. Your father? work
5. Your favorite food? chinese
6. Your dream last night? erands
7. Your favorite drink? sprite
8. Your dream/goal? heaven
9. What room are you in? living
10. Your hobby? scrapping
11. Your fear? alone
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happier
13. Where were you last night? couch
14. Something that you aren't? mixed
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. Wish list item? magazine
17. Where did you grow up? everywhere
18. Last thing you did? eat
19. What are you wearing? jeans
20. Your TV? nick
21. Your Pets? none
22. Friends? lucky
23. Your life? blessed
24. Your mood? tired
25. Missing Someone? grandma
26. vehicle? truck
27. Something you're not wearing? earrings
28. Your favorite store? kreatorville
29. Your favorite color? red
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? week
32. Your best friend? Christ
33. One place that I go to over and over? computer
34. Facebook? yes
35. Favorite place to eat? yang
and the awards go to:
1. Everyone that visits my blog.
Happy Scrapping ladies, chat with you all in a week.
"The Bible in 90 Days"

I just love the way Lemonade goes so well with Earth Love

Love this photo of my baby boy