I am super excited. I am now a member of the Pink Sketches Design Team (http://pinksketches.typepad.com/). I love the sketches there. They are not over done, they give you the head start you need while leaving plenty of creative room. Here are the Pink Sketches Design Team girls. Also here is the layout I created for the call. And I received a massive box of goodies from my sister (keandra http://kiwithekreator.blogspot.com/). Have you ever seen an $8.00 bag of M&M's? LOL, I have.

2009 Design Team Members
Wendi Robinson - http://scrappydayinparadise.blogspot.com/
Taj White - http://artistheimitationoflife.blogspot.com/
Adeline Lim - http://www.scrappymumoftwo.blogspot.com
Shamma Parvin - scrapwithlove.blogspot.com
Elizabeth Carney - http://itsmythingy.blogspot.com/
Wang Hui Ming - http://www.joyinthelord.blogspot.com